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How Often to Water Grass in Summer

Water Grass in Summer

Are you new to owning a home with a yard?

Establishing and maintaining a yard can be a full-time job. Most people don’t realize how much time and effort is required until they try it. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make things easier and get the best results with the least amount of effort.

Watering grass is an essential part of your lawn care. You don’t want to over- or under-water it. The question is, how often do you need to water?

Keep reading to learn how often to water grass in summer. Be sure to water the correct amount to get the best results.

Frequency of Watering Grass in Summer

Under normal conditions, grass should be watered deeply but infrequently during the hot summer months. They should be watered once a week, or when the top inch of soil is dry.

Depending on the conditions, the amount of water needed can vary from 1 inch to an inch and a half and should be applied over the entire lawn. Alternatively, you could check the soil with a soil moisture meter to gauge how much water your lawn requires. Doing this will help you maintain a healthy and attractive lawn year-round.

Factors to Consider When Watering Your Lawn

When grass watering, it is essential to consider the current conditions in both your environment and the turf of your lawn. Take into account the type of grass you have, the amount of sunlight, and the soil type of your lawn.

Type of Grass

Different grasses have different water needs, and over-watering can result in a patchy and unhealthy lawn. For cool-season grasses such as fescue and bluegrass, the soil should remain consistently moist but never soggy.

On the other hand, warm-season grasses such as Bermuda and Zoysia require less frequent watering and can handle periods of drought. To help you ensure that you’re lawn gets the water it needs, it’s best to hire an experienced lawn care service like Granulawn.

Amount of Sunlight

Lawns that get more sunlight require more frequent waterings to prevent the grass from drying out and turning yellow. It is important to provide these areas with deep, infrequent waterings, as opposed to multiple shallow waterings.

Lawn watering in the morning or evening will help it absorb water efficiently. Moreover, if you’re experiencing a period of drought, you should prioritize watering areas of your lawn that get the most sun.

Soil Type

Different soil types absorb and retain water differently. It is important to know what type of soil your lawn has in order to ensure you are watering it properly.

Sandy soil requires more frequent, lighter watering so the water will not run off the lawn. Loamy or clay soil requires deeper, less-frequent watering so that the water will have time to penetrate the soil and reach the deeper roots of your lawn. Knowing the type of soil your lawn has will help you to know how much water your lawn requires for optimal growth.

Knowing How Often to Water Grass in Summer

Grass should be watered deeply, but not too often in the summer months. Too little water can cause a lawn to die in some cases, as well as too much.

Finding the balance between the two is important for a healthy lawn. To ensure optimum results, hire a professional lawn care service to advise you on how often to water grass in summer.

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