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Making Space: How to Plan Stable Foundations for Sheds


Sheds cost between $200 to $1,500 for larger units, allowing homeowners to expand their living space and boost their property’s resale value.

Choosing the right foundation is key to the shed’s longevity and helping you protect your investment. But, if you rush through the decision-making process, you could choose the wrong option for your land.

Maybe that’s why you’re here; you’re struggling to choose the right foundation and need a nudge in the right direction.

Sounds like you? Luckily, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn how to plan foundations for sheds.

Skid Foundation

One of the most affordable home foundations is placing the shed atop wooden skids. Skids are the go-to solution for small units, especially if you live somewhere with heavy rainfall. This is because the material is pressure-treated to prevent moisture and rot.

But, depending on the ground’s level, you may need extra gravel or limestone for support.

Metal Jacks

A majority of homeowners choose metal jacks for their home renovations, as they’re easy to install. Because of this, you needn’t hire labor or invest in expensive tools for the job. They’re also handy if you have a base that you’re struggling to build on, such as a slanted surface.

Although metal jacks are useful, hire a professional carpenter to check that the foundation can support the shed’s load. It’s also important that you’re happy with the location because the shed will be harder to relocate.

Plastic Grid Base

Plastic grid bases have taken the world by storm thanks to their innovative design.

Homeowners love that plastic foundations are easy to install because you simply snap the panels into place. Although you’ll notice gaps, you can fill these in with a layer of gravel. Not only do they boost moisture absorption, but they also offer additional stability.

Further, you can also choose an adjustable plastic base, especially if you want a small shed. The beauty is you needn’t level the current land because the plastic jacks ensure that the foundation is firm and level. But know that these can sink over time and it isn’t always available everywhere.

Concrete Blocks

Another common option is using solid concrete blocks for your shed’s foundation. These are laid out in straight rows and are evenly spaced from one another. Note that the size of your shed will affect how many blocks you need so that it is fully stable.

In a similar vein, contractors may recommend a poured concrete slab foundation. Often, this is the favorite option for larger buildings that will hold woodworking machines, tractors, and other outdoor equipment.

Timber Frame

Otherwise known as post-and-beam platforms, timber frame is great for larger pre-fabricated sheds. Although, it’s wise to hire a professional carpenter or Google “Butler building cost (in your area)” to figure out how much it’ll cost to build the shed.

And don’t worry if the land is sloped because you can alter the beams with specialized deck blocks.

Pole-Barn Foundation

Homeowners on the hunt for sound drainage options should consider a pole-barn foundation. To do this, a professional carpenter will dig several holes around the foundation’s perimeter before filling them with concrete footings. Horizontal beams are then fastened across the poles before securing them to the walls.

You can either choose to cover the ground with processed stone, wood chips, or tiny pieces of gravel.

Helical Piers

Commonly known as “screw piles”, this option has boomed in popularity since the ’90s. During the process, large metal screws are rotated into the ground and brackets are attached to the top, so it’s easy to fix the shed skids. Although you can install the screws by hand, carpenters may use power equipment when drilling through a rocky site.

Brick Pavers

Paver shed foundations are great because they’re cost-effective and easy to install. This means DIYers can get involved and know they won’t cause any damage. But it’s important to note that pavers are best for smaller sheds and shouldn’t ever be installed on sloped land.

Another issue is that the tiles may shift over time, so homeowners should be on the lookout twice a year.

Tips for Building a Strong Shed Foundation

Regardless of your desired option, you must figure out how to create a strong foundation to build on. The first step is choosing a location that is free from zoning laws or restrictions that may apply in your city. If you’re unsure, check with the local government to prevent any disappointment and potential conflict.

Homeowners should also check whether a legal permit is necessary, especially if they’re building a large structure. To find out this information, check out your local housing society office. Also, check that the foundation doesn’t collide with a gas or water line, because that could be catastrophic.

Once you’re happy with the land, test that it’s level. Luckily, you can test this with a piece of string and spirit level. First, hold the string parallel to the ground and place the level on the string. If you are over eight inches off, you’ll likely need to get the land leveled.

Further, homeowners who live in areas with extreme weather conditions should anchor their foundations. This will stop the shed from tipping over or blowing away during a storm. In most cases, you must fix cables or twist anchors deep into the ground for peace of mind.

You should also choose a frost-proof foundation if you have freezing winters. This is commonly made by pouring concrete footings, piers, or slabs because they don’t crack.

Our Top Foundations for Sheds

Now that you’re an expert on the different foundations for sheds, it’ll be easier to choose the right option for your home.

There are many great options to check out, such as a skid foundation or, if you only want a small shed, a brick paver foundation. Homeowners should also prepare the land and test that it’s viable to avoid disappointment. Good luck with your project!

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