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A Roadmap for Employers to Close the Workforce Skills Gap

Skills Gap

Is your organization suffering from a shortage of talent or a skill shortage? You are not alone.

According to the American Action Forum, the U.S. needs to mitigate the shortages or may face a $1.2 trillion loss in economic output in the future.

What is causing the skills gap and why has it gotten worse? We can blame it on the impacts of the reaction to COVID-19, new technology, a hybrid working model, or digital platforms. No matter what caused it, companies must work to close it.

Are you looking for ways to close the workforce skills gap? Keep reading to discover the roadmap to do just that in your organization and overcome the talent shortage to create a better workforce.

What is a Skills Gap?

A lot of companies are facing a skills gap. This is defined as a void between the abilities required to do a job and the skills the employees possess. It has become an urgent problem across many industries.

What is the best way to handle it? According to a survey, respondents point to skill building as the way to go. It outweighs hiring new people, contracting it out, or redeploying employees.

Closing the Workforce Skills Gap

Before you can begin to close the gap, you must analyze where the gaps exist and identify your company’s goals.

What skills do you feel are lacking in your employees making it difficult to reach the goals of your business? What skills do they need to be successful? What skills do you value as an employer?

Let’s take a look at some of the ways to close the gap.

Provide Workplace Training

Whatever your employees need to make them better at their jobs can be provided in workplace training. Whether you offer in-person skill development sessions or online presentations such as online safety training, make it available to them in a convenient way.

Construct easy-to-follow paths that are structured to get them to the next level. Give them ways to practice what they’ve learned for better retention.

Develop Soft Skills

While specific skills are important to any business, soft skills like problem-solving and communication can make or break a business. Employees need to be able to act on their own at times without running to a supervisor at every turn.

You can build these skills through team meetings or employing team-building exercises.

Offer Mentorships or Coaches

Utilize your assets by setting up mentorships. Use the competent, skilled employees that you already have to mentor others in your workforce. They can be available to teach the other employees and answer questions.

Coaches can help and guide employees through learning new skills and help them improve their skills to reach individualized goals.

Set Up Your Employees for Success

Now you know how to go about developing workforce skills and closing the skills gap. It’s an important aspect of any company and the benefits for employees and the company are endless.

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